4-Day School Week beginning in 2024 - 2025 School Year


Ottumwa Christian School After School Care

Ottumwa Christian School will be offering After School Care again this year in room 102.

After School Care will be offered from dismissal time until 5:30pm.  The cost of After School Care is $5. If you arrive after 5:30pm, you will be charged $1/minute.

There will be no After School Care on early outs, non-school days or holidays.  Please mark early out days on your calendar and make other arrangements.  OCS typically has 1 early out Friday per month.  You can find a school calendar on our website: ottumwachristianschool.org

Our teachers work hard, and in many ways go above and beyond, we want to respect them and their time.  It is not fair to expect them to watch your children after school has been dismissed.  We understand that life happens and sometimes there are things that come up unexpectedly, when that is the case, you can rest assured that your child is in good hands until you can get to the school, and they will be taken to our After School Care Provider.   It is our desire that all the children are supervised in a positive and safe atmosphere at all times.  

You will be billed through the school, an invoice will be sent the Tuesday following when services were utilized.  Please try to keep invoices current.

Your children get hungry after school. We offer snacks after school, please make sure to let the office know if your child has any food allergies.

If you have additional questions or would like to register your child, please contact the school office.